Town of Becket
557 Main Street
Becket, MA 01223
Monthly Meeting for November 4, 2010
Called to Order: 7:06 PM
Present: Steve L, Ann S, Chuck A, Richard F, Dan P
Absent:Jeremy D
Public Present: None
- Review and approve minutes for meeting of October 7, 2010
Motion: Ann Second: Chuck
All Approved
- Free Cash status: Books almost closed. Still needs certification by DOR once filed.
- Discuss date to meet with representatives from CBRSD (see letter): Meeting either Dec 2nd or 9th with school board reps. Keep both dates open. Subsequent note is date was set to Dec 14th @ 7PM.
- Update on Maple Street survey - where are we? Survey completed. Monies for survey were not appropriated and were taken out of the Municipal Budget. Abutters were contacted and changes were discussed and agreed to.
- Contracts with non-profits: Simple standard contract draft was sent to the Town Attorneys for review which could be used for all non-profit relationships with the Town. Attorneys have not fully commented yet.
- Pole Tax – amount: No new information from what was previously reported.
- Fire Station #2 rebidding: Town is looking for ways to lower the c=bid when bid is sent out. Oil separation system and radiant floor heat items were both discussed.
- Well for Fire Station #1 - has bid been awarded yet: Hanson was the lowest bid in a comparative $ analysis to all bidders.
- Itemized bill from Legal Counsel for September: Reviewed.
- Review budget for FY 2011 and begin the process for FY 2012: Reviewed Actuals through October. Most accounts are in line. Veterans costs are higher than anticipated and will go over.
- Public Input: None
- Any other business:
Transfers of $1,406 for Veterans Expense and $9.00 for Mental Health were presented and voted on.
Motion: Ann Second: Dan All Approved
New School Budget was discussed. A new bond cost is not 100% excludable. 0.81818 is debt excludable and this will need to be voted on. The remainder will go into the Capital Expense in the school budget.
Adjournment: 8:02 PM
Motion: Ann Second: Dan
Respectfully Submitted by: Dan Parnell
Approved:____________________________Steve LaBelle Chair